Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Tips, Tricks and Secrets

Overwatch is lightning fast game, with deaths happening in an instant, and enemies waiting for you around every corner. It also happens to be riddled with secrets, nods to other games, and other fun things for those players who take a moment to look around.

Below are some tips to not only help out your gameplay, but also point out neat secrets, and hidden objects.

Overwatch is lightning fast game, with deaths happening in an instant, and enemies waiting for you around every corner. It also happens to be riddled with secrets, nods to other games, and other fun things for those players who take a moment to look around.
Below are some tips to not only help out your gameplay, but also point out neat secrets, and hidden objects.

An unspoken fact about the Payload game type, is that standing by the Payload will actually heal you! It's a minor heal, around the same strength as Lucio, but it's very useful for staying in tip top shape as you push the objective forward!

Overtime is Worth Fighting For

Did you run out of time while trying to capture a point? Well, if you're close enough, the game will go into Overtime. So long as one member of your team remains near the objective, the match will not end. During Overtime, it's worth it to be more aggressive, and throw yourself at the objective. If you can stall the game long enough, someone might be able to pull off a crazy Ultimate and save the game, allowing you to win!

Assess Your Needs

One of the big things in Overwatch is character swapping. Anytime you die, be aware of why you did, and if changing your character would benefit both yourself and your team. For instance, if the enemy team keeps annihilating you and your team, perhaps you need more Tanks or Supports. Simply switching your character one time can be enough to turn around your performance, and maybe even save your team!

Supports are the Key to Victory!

Is your team struggling? Check to see if you have a support! They are very powerful, but often overlooked as they tend to sit on the back lines and not get into as much action as the other characters.
Don't think this has to always be the case! Lucio for instance is a great front line support, who can move around quickly, and participate in fights. Zenyatta is another support who can heal, deal decent damage and debuff enemies all at the same time!

A Balanced Team is a Successful Team

When you're picking your characters, take into consideration what Characters are already chosen. A team of all the same character won't do as well as a team that has proper healers, tanks and powerful offensive heroes.,_Tricks_and_Secrets#Character_Tips

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